Progress Bar With jquery

Bhaumik Patel 10:18 PM
Create a Progress Bar With Javascript $(document).ready(function () { $("#progress").mouseover(loopLi); }); function loopLi...Read More
Progress Bar With jquery Progress Bar With jquery Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 10:18 PM Rating: 5

RemoveSpecialChars function in sql

Bhaumik Patel 9:31 PM
RemoveSpecialChars function in sql remove special chars in string,char like ! @ # $ % % & * _ ... ALTER FUNCTION dbo.RemoveSpecialC...Read More
RemoveSpecialChars function in sql RemoveSpecialChars function in sql Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 9:31 PM Rating: 5

initcap function in sql

Bhaumik Patel 9:25 PM
initcap function in sql after the space every first letter will be capital in sql. ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[InitCap] ( @InputString varchar(...Read More
initcap function in sql initcap function in sql Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 9:25 PM Rating: 5