Results for c#
Difference between Any vs Exists in c# with preformation comparison? Difference between Any vs Exists in c# with preformation comparison? Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 10:49 PM Rating: 5

Writing Readable Code in C#

Bhaumik Patel 8:22 PM
In the ever-evolving world of C#, staying ahead of the curve includes crafting clean and maintainable code. Embrace Clarity with Meaningful...Read More
Writing Readable Code in C# Writing Readable Code in C# Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 8:22 PM Rating: 5
What is the difference between the throw and throw ex statements in C#? What is the difference between the throw and throw ex statements in C#? Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 8:50 PM Rating: 5

Exception handling in C#

Bhaumik Patel 9:04 PM
Exception Handling in C#: Core Role and Best Practices In C#, exception handling plays a crucial role in managing unexpected errors that o...Read More
Exception handling in C# Exception handling in C# Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 9:04 PM Rating: 5
Which data type should be used to represent a monetary value with decimal places in C#? Which data type should be used to represent a monetary value with decimal places in C#? Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 3:48 AM Rating: 5

New feature in C# 11 and 12

Bhaumik Patel 3:07 AM
C# 11 and 12 are both recent versions of the C# programming language, each introducing new features and enhancements. Here's a breakdown...Read More
New feature in C# 11 and 12 New feature in C# 11 and 12 Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 3:07 AM Rating: 5
While all three iteration statements (foreach, for, and while) can be used to iterate through an array? While all three iteration statements (foreach, for, and while) can be used to iterate through an array? Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 8:55 PM Rating: 5

C# MCQ Question and Answer for Beginner

Bhaumik Patel 9:34 PM
Which of the following is NOT a valid variable name in C#? a) myVariable b) number1 c) @data d) 1stNumber (Invalid: cannot start with ...Read More
C# MCQ Question and Answer for Beginner C# MCQ Question and Answer for Beginner Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 9:34 PM Rating: 5

How to build C# Helper Class

Bhaumik Patel 9:35 PM
  1. Purpose: What specific problems will the helper class solve? What tasks or functions will it perform to make your code more efficient ...Read More
How to build C# Helper Class How to build C# Helper Class Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 9:35 PM Rating: 5
Write a program in C# Sharp to display the pattern like pyramid using an asterisk and each row contain an odd number of an asterisks Write a program in C# Sharp to display the pattern like pyramid using an asterisk and each row contain an odd number of an asterisks Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 7:34 PM Rating: 5
MaxBy in .NET 6+ allows us to find the item with the max value for a particular property in a collection MaxBy in .NET 6+ allows us to find the item with the max value for a particular property in a collection Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 3:56 AM Rating: 5
Write a program in C# Sharp to make such a pattern like a pyramid with numbers increasing by 1 Write a program in C# Sharp to make such a pattern like a pyramid with numbers increasing by 1 Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 9:28 PM Rating: 5
Write a C# Sharp program to display the n terms of odd natural numbers and their sums. Write a C# Sharp program to display the n terms of odd natural numbers and their sums. Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 12:06 AM Rating: 5
Write a program in C# Sharp to display the multiplication table vertically from 1 to n Write a program in C# Sharp to display the multiplication table vertically from 1 to n Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 8:09 PM Rating: 5
Write a program in C# Sharp to display the multiplication table of a given integer. Write a program in C# Sharp to display the multiplication table of a given integer. Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 10:58 PM Rating: 5
Write a C# Sharp program to display the cube of an integer up to given number. Write a C# Sharp program to display the cube of an integer up to given number. Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 12:00 AM Rating: 5
Write a C# Sharp program that displays the sum of n natural numbers. Write a C# Sharp program that displays the sum of n natural numbers. Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 8:53 PM Rating: 5
Write a C# Sharp program that takes a character as input and checks if it is a vowel, a digit, or any other symbol Write a C# Sharp program that takes a character as input and checks if it is a vowel, a digit, or any other symbol Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 10:04 PM Rating: 5
Write a C# Sharp program to check if y is greater than x, and z is greater than y from three given integers x,y,z. Write a C# Sharp program to check if y is greater than x, and z is greater than y from three given integers x,y,z. Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 9:37 PM Rating: 5
Write a C# program that prompts the user to input two numbers and divides them. Handle an exception when the user enters non-numeric values. Write a C# program that prompts the user to input two numbers and divides them. Handle an exception when the user enters non-numeric values. Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 9:57 PM Rating: 5