linq ElementAt

Bhaumik Patel 4:19 AM
This sample uses ElementAt to retrieve the second number greater than 5 from an array. public static void ElementAt()         {           ...Read More
linq ElementAt linq ElementAt Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 4:19 AM Rating: 5

linq First Condition

Bhaumik Patel 4:16 AM
This sample uses First to find the first element in the array that starts with 't'. public static void First_Condition()         {...Read More
linq First Condition linq First Condition Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 4:16 AM Rating: 5

linq Repeat

Bhaumik Patel 4:10 AM
linq Repeat This sample uses Repeat to generate a sequence that contains the number 8 ten times. public static void Repeat()         {   ...Read More
linq Repeat linq Repeat Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 4:10 AM Rating: 5