The Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for .NET Developers

The Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for .NET Developers

F5: To start debugging.

Shift + F5: To stop debugging.

CTRL+F5 Start Without Debugging.
CTRL+SHIFT+B Build Solution.
Ctrl+KCtrl+C Comment a block.

Ctrl+KCtrl+U Uncomment the block.

Shift+Alt+Enter  Full screen mode.

F12 Go To Definition.

Ctrl+Shift+F Find In Files.

Shift+F12 Find references.
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D Auto-(Re)Format.

Ctrl+CCtrl+V to duplicate the current line.

Ctrl+L to delete the current line.

Ctrl+F3 to search for the current selection.

Ctrl+K Ctrl+K to place a bookmark

Ctrl+K Ctrl+N to go to next bookmark

Ctrl+K Ctrl+P to go to previous bookmark

Ctrl+MCtrl+M. To expand/collapse the current code block.

Ctrl+MO. Collapse and expand all sections of code.

Ctrl + Up Scrolls up the window without moving the cursor.
Ctrl + Down Scrolls down the window without moving the cursor.
Ctrl+Shift+S Save all changed files.
Ctrl+F and Ctrl+H - Find, Find & replace, respectively

Ctrl+shift+F and Ctrl+shift+H - Find in files, Find & replace in files, respectively.


Ctrl+alt+L Solution explorer.

Ctrl+alt+S Server explorer.

Ctrl+alt+O Output.

Ctrl+alt+X Toolbox.

Ctrl+shift+W1 Watch.

Ctrl+\E Error list.

Ctrl+shift+C Class view.


TAB key for "snippets".

The Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for .NET Developers The Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for .NET Developers Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 7:42 PM Rating: 5