simple yahoo weather display using YQL

The Yahoo! Query Language is an expressive SQL-like language that lets you query, filter, and join data across Web services. With YQL, apps run faster with fewer lines of code and a smaller network footprint.

Download Example

$(function () {
    // Specify the woeid code and units (f or c)
    //woeid list
    var loc = '2295402';
    var u = 'c';

    var query = "SELECT item.condition FROM weather.forecast WHERE woeid='" + loc + "' AND u='" + u + "'";
    var cacheBuster = Math.floor((new Date().getTime()) / 1200 / 1000);
    var url = '' + encodeURIComponent(query) + '&format=json&_nocache=' + cacheBuster;

    window['wxCallback'] = function (data) {
        var info =;
            backgroundPosition: '-' + (61 * info.code) + 'px 0'
            title: info.text
        $('#wxIcon2').append('<img src="' + info.code + '.gif" width="34" height="34" title="' + info.text + '" />');
        $('#wxTemp').html(info.temp + '&deg;' + (u.toUpperCase()));

        url: url,
        dataType: 'jsonp',
        cache: true,
        jsonpCallback: 'wxCallback'

simple yahoo weather display using YQL simple yahoo weather display using YQL Reviewed by Bhaumik Patel on 9:56 PM Rating: 5